Hot damn – it's Amsterdam!

Amsterdam is one of the world's truly great cities and the Netherlands is probably the most progressive country on earth. So this summer, Elkemo decided to descend on the lowlands for an unashamed design junket, starring: the Stedelijk, the Rijksmuseum, Anne Frank's House, Droog, a Tulip Museum, a Cheese Museum, houseboats, brown pubs, beige cafés, cheese stalls and literally one thousand bike racks. During a 70km trek to the north of Het Ij – on collapsable city bikes – we also embraced the sheer horizontality of The Waterlands – Edam, Marken, Volendam, Broek in Waterland. We also got a tan. It was wonderful trip.

Dayglo bike

Dayglo bike

Industrial cheese...

Industrial cheese...

Nightmarish teapot

Nightmarish teapot

Obligatory postcard shot

Obligatory postcard shot

Awesome Zeeburg

Awesome Zeeburg

The Night's Watch (I couldn't find Jon Snow)

The Night's Watch (I couldn't find Jon Snow)

Maybe I'll just have a water

Maybe I'll just have a water

Drool (Droog) - want to buy everything in this shop!

Drool (Droog) - want to buy everything in this shop!

Type, type, type...

Type, type, type...

Love/hate the Stedelijk brand

Love/hate the Stedelijk brand

Love the Rijksmuseum brand

Love the Rijksmuseum brand

The Bat-mo-ped

The Bat-mo-ped